“MRV in practice” – connecting bottom-up and top-down approaches for developing national MRV systems for NDCs

This knowledge product (published by the Partnership for Transparency and UNDP) provides practical advice for stakeholders involved in designing and implementing robust and integrated national MRV systems for NDCs in developing countries. The differences between developing NDC related MRV systems bottom-up (e.g. for mitigation actions) and top-down (e.g. national MRV system) will be described, and strengths and weaknesses will be highlighted. The primary objective of this knowledge product is to sensitize the different actors for the necessary coordination and alignment of different MRV systems (national and mitigation action specific MRV systems) in the country. This should help to better harmonize already existing MRV systems and new systems under development (e.g. for NDCs) and to consider possible synergy effects and cross-cutting aspects between different approaches and different MRV systems. Some practical examples will be provided throughout the document in text boxes.

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